School Surf Education and Surfing Skills
Our school surf education programs deliver the most comprehensive & up to date surf safety knowledge, including vital rip education. Programs combine hands on practical surf instruction on the beach, and in the surf with in school theory options. Programs have been developed in line with the schools syllabus and can also be tailored for school sport.
This surf education & surf skills program saves lives!
It is well recognised that the best way to reduce drowning on our beaches is to surf educate our young Australians through schools. Our School surf education and surf skills program is our most popular amoungst schools, as the program caters for all students, regardless of surf swimming ability, age or cultural diversity.
Schools normally take this program on as a compulsory excursion and retain their corresponding booking for future year groups.
The program includes an in-school lesson (optional for classes over 30)
Surf education and surf skills – 3 or 4 hour course learning:
•Surf education in-school option, then progressing on to a practical environment participating in:
•Rip education & identification and survival by demonstration
•Still water assessment and basic aquatic survival skills
•Paddling a foam surfboard and catching waves
•Surf negotiation and body surfing
•Rip escape on foam surfboards (advanced course)
We provide identifiable lycra vests for all kids and foam surfboards
In-house surf education - 40 minute in-house power point presentation learning:
•Coastal studies -coastal geography & environment
•Surf zones – safe and dangerous areas
•Rip education – identification and easy escape methods
•Waves – negotiating and returning to the beach safely
SEA Courses comply with the NSW Department of Education and Training PH/H/PE, HSIE, and Geography Syllabus' on the following outcomes:
K-6 PD/H/PE – decision making, moving, problem solving, active lifestyles, games and sport, personal health choices and safe living.
K-6 HSIE – Environments
7-10 PD/H/PE – Movement skills and performance, individual and community health, lifelong physical activity, and skills that enhance learning in physical activity.
7-10 Geography - Knowledge and understanding about how people and communities modify and are affected by the environment, global environments (coast and geomorphic process), geographic issues affecting Australian geography, and oceanography.
SEA Programs also fulfil requirements for the 7-10 Science Syllabus, as well as Preliminary and HSC PD/H/PE - geography, senior science, and the DET endorsed marine studies course.